“The wildness and attention to detail that underlies the creative forces of nature are also present in these fantastic mixed-media sculptural works by Eva Maier. Made manifest in these pieces is an acknowledgement that the boundaries we humans erect between ourselves and other animals, between animals and plants, between organic and inorganic beings, is much more porous and flexible than we like to believe.
The beautiful thing about these sculptures - the sheer artistry of the ceramics, crochet, felt, sewing, and design work aside - is the benevolence and humor of her imagination. These creatures are not monsters nor cute anthropomorphic projections, as half-animal/half-human beings so often are. The spirit of the animal dominates with the human attributes present in gesture and mental flights of fashion. They speak to a world of, and about, transformation. It is a transformation that leans to the good and the clever rather than the stupid and negative.
The physical processes involved in making these sculptures also reflects transformation of materials. Felt that is hardened and molded by repeated pricking with a barbed metal point; dull, malleable lumps of clay shaped, fired, and glazed, to a bright, hard shine; simple twine wrought into complex lace. So it follows: the artist imagines that a hoof can become a delicate booted foot, mushrooms are frills on a dress, ceramic ears with felted interiors are a jaunty cap. Why not make a place for these strange, startling combinations, are they not surprisingly lovely? Do they not make you smile? Welcome to the world and all its possibilities.” — Susan Norris-Davis, Artist/Biologist
The beautiful thing about these sculptures - the sheer artistry of the ceramics, crochet, felt, sewing, and design work aside - is the benevolence and humor of her imagination. These creatures are not monsters nor cute anthropomorphic projections, as half-animal/half-human beings so often are. The spirit of the animal dominates with the human attributes present in gesture and mental flights of fashion. They speak to a world of, and about, transformation. It is a transformation that leans to the good and the clever rather than the stupid and negative.
The physical processes involved in making these sculptures also reflects transformation of materials. Felt that is hardened and molded by repeated pricking with a barbed metal point; dull, malleable lumps of clay shaped, fired, and glazed, to a bright, hard shine; simple twine wrought into complex lace. So it follows: the artist imagines that a hoof can become a delicate booted foot, mushrooms are frills on a dress, ceramic ears with felted interiors are a jaunty cap. Why not make a place for these strange, startling combinations, are they not surprisingly lovely? Do they not make you smile? Welcome to the world and all its possibilities.” — Susan Norris-Davis, Artist/Biologist